When you are told you have a serious medical condition, such as cancer, diabetes, or heart disease, it’s time to step back and explore your options. The American healthcare system is huge, and there are many possibilities when it comes to treating a disease or illness. For you, it’s critical that you understand what those options are. Don’t allow yourself to get a treatment plan without being fully informed of all options. And if possible, hire a private patient advocate to help you with this. Patient advocates understand how to navigate the complex healthcare system and can work with you to make sure you’re getting the highest quality care and treatment plan possible.
Treating these conditions can be costly. By knowing what options are out there and how to identify lower cost options is crucial. As health insurance plans are increasingly adding co-pays and deductibles as part of your plan, you can save thousands of dollars through the course of your treatment by finding lower cost options. For example, in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio, the cost of an MRI can vary by as much as $2000 per scan. The treatments for these chronic conditions can easily surpass $100,000 and require multiple tests, scans, and procedures. Therefore, understanding the costs and choosing those cheaper options can save you thousands of dollars.
Getting diagnosed with a serious medical condition is scary. The healthcare system has made great strides in treating these conditions and continues identify new treatments. It’s your health so make sure you’re fully aware of your options and choose the one right for you. A patient advocate can assist you with navigating this complex system and identifying the best options and be by your side throughout the process. As you would hire a lawyer if you were faced with a legal issue, it could be beneficial to hire a patient advocate when faced with a serious medical condition.